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Some of the original Texas Instruments programmable calculators were manufactured under other brands.

But more recently, in the Czech Republic, Miroslav Nemecek offers on his site the complete schemes to produce clones of programmable Texas Instruments :
  • ET-57
  • (For more information, see Miroslav Nemecek's website :
  • ET-57M
  • (For more information, see Miroslav Nemecek's website :
  • ET-58
  • (For more information, see Miroslav Nemecek's website :
  • TI-58
  • (For more information, see Miroslav Nemecek's website :
  • TI-59
  • (For more information, see Miroslav Nemecek's website :






    The pages documented by Miroslav Nemecek are very complete and include not only the diagrams, the lists of components but also all the documentation and explanations necessary for the manufacture of these calculators.
    Bravo for this magnificent work !

    Unfortunately some projects have not yet been completed. And for projects that are completed there is little commercialization and only those who have some electronics skills will be able to make the calculators.
    (Personally I am not competent and my welds are real junk !)

    The only calculator sold is the ET-58 sold on the site "Pajenicko.cz" (multilingual!)

    Tandy Corporation will manufacture, as OEM, several Texas Instruments calculators, programmable and non-programmable, under the brand Radio Shack.

    In Europe, Tandy / RadioShack was best known for marketing the TRS-80, one of the first personal computers

    The Radio Shack EC-4000 calculator, produced since 1978, is an exact replica of the TI-57.

    Then later, in 1989, the Radio Shack EC-4044 calculator will be the double of the TI-68 but with different key colors.


    In Hungary, a microelectronics company Híradástechnika Szövetkezet will launch the marketing of several programmable calculators Texas Instruments.

    First the TI-57 will be marketed under the name of Híradástechnika PTK-1050 in 1977.

    Then the Híradástechnika PTK-1096 calculator will be the commercial takeover of the TI-59 with printer and modules.

    Finally, in 1980, the European TI-51 III (TI-55 in the USA) was released under the name of Híradástechnika PTK-1030.

    Then there will also be the TI-57 LCD followed by the TI-57 II.


    The Zenith Data Systems TI-53 calculator, marketed in Germany from 1986, is just a TI-53 with the Zenith Data Systems logo.



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