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The Video interface

Manufactured by a small company in southern Paris region, a video interface for TI58 / TI58C / TI59 was marketed in France.

This interface "VIDEO 59" possesses a receptacle identical to the base of connection of the printer and connects to the television (Black & White) with a coaxial cable of antenna.

The display corresponds exactly to what usually goes out on the printer and a "trace mode" allows to follow step by step the execution of the program for debugging.



  • Article of the magazine "Micro Ordinateurs"
  •  vid_article.pdf vid_article.djvu
  • Presentation
  •  vid_presente.pdf vid_presente.djvu
  • Instructions for use
  •  vid_notice.pdf vid_notice.djvu

    VIDEO 59  VIDEO 59  VIDEO 59 

    Module Selector
    The Manual Module Selector was an extension that allowed, through the module port, the calculators TI58 / TI58C / TI59 to use four library modules.

    Designed to be housed in the PC 100, the Selector can also operate on a stand-alone basis because it only uses power from the calculator.

    For more information see the website of Joerg Woerner : http://www.datamath.org/Sci/WEDGE/PC-100_ModuleSel.htm

    Module Selector 
    Module Selector  Module Selector  Module Selector 

    EduCALC, despite the fact that is not really an extension because having an integrated TI58 or TI59, worth quoting.

    This wooden box (Oak?) Is used to show the dual TI58/TI59 display in front display.

    EduCALC 58 GD and GD 59 are useful to teachers who can show to their public the information displayed on the screen of the TI.

    (Too bad the case of TI has not himself been redone in wood!)

    For more information read the articles extracts from :
      PPX Newsletter Volume 1 Number 6 - November 1977
      Creative Computing magazine in April 1979 - Page 70
      Creative Computing magazine in April 1979 - Page 71

    Module Selector

    Module Selector

    Module Selector

    The interface DC-59 consisted of two printed circuit cards and a power supply, housed in a small box, for use with a calculator Texas SR-59 (?).

    The user calculator should be modified by Science Accessories Corporation in order to connect the cable.

    The interface was designed to connect devices to the calculator such as voltmeters, counters, gauges ..., allowing "non-keyboard" inputs for use with the programs.

    For more information read the articles extracts from :
      SAC Technical Bulletin
      Computerworld - March 23, 1981 - Page 86

    Module Selector

    Braille interface
    Surprising ! A September 1976 document described a Braille interface...

    The SR-52 programmable calculator was interfaced with a tactual display for the use of a blind assistant.

    Interfacing converted the content of the calculator's visual display to Braille output.


    For more information read :
     A Braille interface to the SR-52 (C. P. Janota)    a_braille_interface.pdf
     SR-52 and SR-52A Troubleshooting guide    TI_SR-52_Troubleshooting.pdf

    Do it yourself!
    A french magazine "l'Ordinateur Individuel" proposed electronic construction drawings to create your own extensions.
    A little bit more memory

    Store up to 800 program steps in an EPROM memory!

    (Published in "OI" No 20, September 1980 page 95)
    Module Selector

    Change the module
    Build your own module selector.

    (Published in "OI" No 34, January/February 1982 page 176)

    Module Selector

    For more information read the articles extracts from :
     "OI" No 20 September 1980 page 95    oi20095.pdf
     "OI" No 34 January/February 1982 page 176    oi34176.pdf

    Taschenrechner Schnittstellen
    A German magazine 'CHIP' proposed two extensions in a special issue of January 1982.
    (article by Olivier Knill taken from http://people.math.harvard.edu/~knill/various/ti59/ )
    Switching interface

    (Published in "CHIP SPECIAL" January 1982 page 101)
    Module Selector

    Make your own joystick for TI-59/TI-58.

    (Published in "CHIP SPECIAL" January 1982 page 117)

    Module Selector

    For more information read the articles extracts from :
     "CHIP SPECIAL" January 1982       Schaltinterface_fur_TI-59.pdf
     English translation (Thanks Marcus)     Switching_Interface_for_TI-59.pdf
     English translation (Thanks Werner)     Interfaces_for_TI-59.pdf
     French translation     Interfaces_pour_TI-59.pdf
     (and thanks to all the other voluntary translators whose texts are not here)

    and to complete...

     TI 59-58 hardware annotations   Sipke de Wal (01/07/1955 - 13/05/2004)  TI59-58-annotations.pdf
     Build a TI-59 programmable calculator   Daniel Ramirez  BUILD_A_TI59.pdf
     TI-59 Firmware   Palmer O. Hanson, Jr.  TI-59-FIRMWARE.pdf
     Calculators TI-58/59 HW programming guide   Hynek Sladky  TI_58_59-HW-manual.pdf
     PC-100B printer cradle power supply schematic   Martin A. Crag  PC-100B_Printer_Cradle.pdf
     US Patent US3900722     US3900722.pdf
     US3900722 diagrams     3900722-diagrams.pdf
     US Patent US4153937     US4153937.pdf
     US4153937 diagrams     4153937-diagrams.pdf
     US Patent US4006455     US4006455.pdf
     US4006455 diagrams     4006455-diagrams.pdf
     US Patent US4020465     US4020465.pdf
     US4020465 diagrams     4020465-diagrams.pdf
     US Patent US4038535     US4038535.pdf
     TI-59 PC100 schematic     ti59-pc100-schematic.pdf
     TI-59 Service Manual     ti59-service-manual.pdf
     TI-59/TI-58 ROM dump file     ROM_DUMP_59.pdf


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