| 1 - Aerodynamic Calculation Methods for Programmable Calculators - PAK #1 - Basic Aerodynamic Relations |
| | Author: W. H. Mason |
| | Aerocal 1981 |
|  | Aerodynamic_Calculation_Methods_PAK_1.pdf |
| 2 - Aerodynamic Calculation Methods for Programmable Calculators - PAK #2 - Basic Geometry for Aerodynamics |
| | Author: W. H. Mason |
| | Aerocal 1981 |
|  | Aerodynamic_Calculation_Methods_PAK_2.pdf |
| 3 - Aerodynamic Calculation Methods for Programmable Calculators - PAK #3 - Basic Subsonic Aerodynamics |
| | Author: W. H. Mason |
| | Aerocal 1981 |
|  | Aerodynamic_Calculation_Methods_PAK_3.pdf |
| 4 - Aerodynamic Calculation Methods for Programmable Calculators - PAK #4 - Boundary Layer Analysis Methods |
| | Author: W. H. Mason |
| | Aerocal 1981 |
|  | Aerodynamic_Calculation_Methods_PAK_4.pdf |
| 5 - Computation Methods |
| | Author: R. G. Lambert |
| | Aerospace Electronics Systems Department General Electric 1980 |
|  | Computation_Methods.pdf |
| 6 - A Híradástechnika Szövetkezet Számológépei |
| | Author: Németh Karoly |
| | Budapesti Híradástechnika Szövetkezet 1980 |
|  | A_Hiradastechnika_Szovetkezet_Szamologepei.pdf |
| 7 - A Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Program for a programmable pocket calculator TI-59 |
| | Author: W. Schwarz |
| | Bundesanstalt fiir Materialpriifung 1978 |
|  | A_Fast_Fourier_Transform_Program.pdf |
| 8 - Calcul de l'espacement de drains dans une nappe phreatique peu epaisse |
| | Author: R. Degallier |
| | Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières - Service Geologique National 1985 |
|  | Calcul_Espacement_de_Drains.pdf |
| 9 - A Program for the Calculation of Paraboloidal-Dish Solar Thermal Power Plant Performance |
| | Author: J.M. Bowyer, Jr. |
| | California Institute of Technology - Jet Propulsion Laboratory 1985 |
|  | Paraboloidal-Dish_Solar_Thermal_Power_Plant_Performance.pdf |
| 10 - Errata for the routine compliance test procedures for diagnostic x-ray systems |
| | Author: Diagnostic Devices Branch,Division of Radiological Health |
| | Center for Devices and Radiological Health 1987 |
|  | Errata_For_The_Routine_Compliance_Test_Procedures.pdf |
| 11 - On Approximating The Circular Coverage Function |
| | Author: Maurice M. Mizrahi |
| | Center for Naval Analyses 1978 |
|  | On_Approximating_The_Circular_Coverage_Function.pdf |
| 12 - Trail: A Ship-Trailing Model |
| | Author: Maurice M. Mizrahi |
| | Center for Naval Analyses 1982 |
|  | Ship_Trailing_Model.pdf |
| 13 - A make/buy decision analysis an its computer program for optimization of cogeneration plant operation at naval submarine base |
| | Author: T. Y. Richard Lee, Ph D |
| | Civil Engineering Laboratory 1980 |
|  | Cogeneration_Plant_Operation_At_Naval_Submarine_Base.pdf |
| 14 - Handheld calculator algorithms for coastal engineering |
| | Author: Julie L. Dean, Todd L. Walton Jr. |
| | Coastal Engineering Research Center 1985 |
|  | Coastal_Engineering.pdf |
| 15 - A programmable calculator program for rapid logarithmic extrapolation, and calculation of mean transit time from an indicator-dilution curve |
| | Author: Y.C Lin |
| | Computer Programs in Biomedicine 1979 |
|  | Rapid_logarithmic_extrapolation_and_calculation_of_mean_transit_time_from_an_indicator-dilution_curve.pdf |
| 16 - Analyzing electrolytic conductivity data by the Fuoss-Justice equation with a programmable calculator |
| | Author: W. Linert, P. Prechberger |
| | Computers & Chemistry 1982 |
|  | Analyzing_electrolytic_conductivity_data_by_the_Fuoss-Justice_equation.pdf |
| 17 - Facilities Readiness Quantification Model Users Manual |
| | Author: John M. Deponai III, Laure Thomas, Craig Kukielski, Joe Sheffield |
| | Construction Engineering Research Laboratory 1982 |
|  | Facilities_Readiness_Quantification_Model.pdf |
| 18 - Services to Develop Pocket Computers TO Perform PF Calculating by DCPA Standard Method |
| | Author: Stanley W. Crawley |
| | Defense Civil Preparedness Agency 1978 |
|  | Services_to_Develop_Pocket_Computers |
| 19 - A calculator program for mixing mercator and great circle sailings |
| | Author: John G. Ulrich |
| | Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic/Topographic Center 1980 |
|  | Mixing_Mercator_And_Great_Circle_Sailings.pdf |
| 20 - Photon Source SGEMP Spectrum Evaluations |
| | Author: A. J. Woods, E. P. Wenaas |
| | Defense Nuclear Agency 1978 |
|  | Photon_Source_SGEMP_Spectrum_Evaluations.pdf |
| 21 - Nuclear weapons targeting |
| | Author: Horizons Technology Inc. |
| | Defense Nuclear Agency 1979 |
|  | Nuclear_Weapons_Targeting.pdf |
| 22 - Handbook for the Analysis of Engagements With Mobile Targets |
| | Author: RDA Staff - R & D Associates |
| | Defense Nuclear Agency 1980 |
|  | Analysis_of_Engagements_With_Mobile_Targets.pdf |
| 23 - SGEMP analysis using the programmable calculator |
| | Author: A. J. Woods, R. E. Leadon, B. Nichols, K. Brannon, E. P. Wenaas |
| | Defense Nuclear Agency 1980 |
|  | SGEMP_Analysis.pdf |
| 24 - A least squares interpolation scheme for cryogenic thermometers using a hand-held programmable calculator |
| | Author: Carl G. Gardner, Ellen M. Fyffe, John J. Hudak |
| | Department of Defense 1979 |
|  | Least_Square_Interpolation_Scheme_For_Cryogenic_Thermometers.pdf |
| 25 - Programas para calculos hidrometricos |
| | Author: Gilbert Jaccon |
| | DNAEE - Ministerio das Minas e Energia 1986 |
|  | Programas_Para_Calculos_Hidrometricos.pdf |
| 26 - A digital Low Frequency Spectrum Analyser using a programmable pocket calculator |
| | Author: W. P. Spruit |
| | Eindhoven University of Technology - Department of Electrical Engineering 1978 |
|  | Low_Frequency_Spectrum_Analyser.pdf |
| 27 - Manual And Programmable Calculator Methods For Sizing Solar Energy Systems |
| | Author: Robert S. Barlow |
| | Electric Power Research Institute 1979 |
|  | Manual_And_Programmable_Calculator_Methods_For_Sizing_Solar_Energy_Systems.pdf |
| 28 - A program for blackbody radiation calculations |
| | Author: Ray Chandos |
| | Electro Optical Industries Inc. 1975 |
|  | Blackbody_Radiation_Calculations.pdf |
| 29 - Hydraulic Design of Improved Inlets for Culverts Using Programmable Calculators (TI-59) |
| | Author: P. Wlaschin and P. L, Thompson |
| | Federal Highway Administration Washington D.C. 1981 |
|  | Hydraulic_Design_of_Improved_Inlets_for_Culverts_Using_Programmable_Calculators.pdf |
| 30 - Solar Pool Heater Sizing Program |
| | Author: Doug Root |
| | Florida Solar Energy Center 1983 |
|  | Solar_Pool_Heater_Sizing_Program.pdf |
| 31 - Application of Solar Energy to the Solvent Reclamation Industry |
| | Author: Arthur H. Litka |
| | Florida Technological University 1970 |
|  | Application_of_Solar_Energy_to_the_Solvent_Reclamation_Industry.pdf |
| 32 - Calculating Toxic Corridors |
| | Author: Jon P. Kahler, Robert G. Curry, Raymond A. Kandler |
| | Headquarters Air Weather Service 1980 |
|  | Calculating_Toxic_Corridors.pdf |
| 33 - Special Report, A Procedure for RTT Position Improvement Using Linear Regression Analysis of Glide Slope Structure |
| | Author: Harvey J. Leister |
| | HQ Air Force Communications Command 1982 |
|  | RTT_Position_Improvement_Using_Linear_Regression.pdf |
| 34 - Steady state groundwater model for a programmable calculator |
| | Author: Robert G. Thomas |
| | Hydrological Sciences Journal 1982 |
|  | Steady_state_groundwater_model.pdf |
| 35 - Once Upon A Pocket |
| | Author: Dejan Ristanovic, Jelica Protic |
| | IEEE Computer Society 2012 |
|  | Once_Upon_A_Pocket.pdf |
| 36 - Small programmable calculators for Computing Statistical Tests |
| | Author: Charles W. Averre |
| | Insecticide and Acaricide Tests 1977 |
|  | Computing_Statistical_Tests.pdf |
| 37 - Least squares fit of data to hyperbolic dose-response curves using a programmed minicalculator (TI-59) |
| | Author: Joel D. Schiff |
| | International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing 1983 |
|  | Least_squares_fit_of_data_to_hyperbolic_dose-response_curves.pdf |
| 38 - Programmable Calculators and Their Application to Feeding and Management of Dairy Cattle |
| | Author: J. G. Linn, P. L. Spike |
| | Iowa State University 1980 |
|  | Application_to_Feeding_and_Management_of_Dairy_Cattle.pdf |
| 39 - Final Report: S-Band_Microwave_System |
| | Author: ITT Avionics Division |
| | ITT Avionics Division 1980 |
|  | S-Band_Microwave_System.pdf |
| 40 - Application of programmable calculators to Mastitis control programs |
| | Author: John H. Kirk |
| | Journal of Daily Science 1981 |
|  | Mastitis_Control_Programs.pdf |
| 41 - Számológépes program a sör legfontosabb jellemz?inek kiszámítására PTK 1096 típusú gépen |
| | Author: Bendek Gyorgy |
| | Köbányai Sörgyár 1984 |
|  | Szamologepes_program_a_sor.pdf |
| 42 - Pivovarské tabulky vs programovatelnych kalkuckach |
| | Author: Jan Savel |
| | Kvasny Prumysl 1980 |
|  | Pivovarske_Tabulky_Vs_Programovatelnych_Kalkuckach.pdf |
| 43 - Design Calculations for Passive Solar Buildings by a Programmable Hand Calculator |
| | Author: David B. Goldstein, Metin Lokmanhekim, Robert D. Clear |
| | Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1979 |
|  | Design_Calculations_for_Passive_Solar_Buildings_by_a_Programmable_Hand_Calculator.pdf |
| 44 - Domestic Swine in Physiological Research |
| | Author: John P. Hannon |
| | Letterman Army Institute of Research 1983 |
|  | Domestic_Swine_in_Physiological_Research.pdf |
| 45 - Statistical Energy Analysis Response Prediction Methods for Structural Systems |
| | Author: R. F. Davis |
| | Marshall Space Flight Center Alabama 1979 |
|  | Prediction_Methods_for_Structural_Systems.pdf |
| 46 - Simplified Methods in Transportation Analysis |
| | Author: Serge Tsygalnitzky |
| | Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1977 |
|  | Simplified_Methods_in_Transportation_Analysis.pdf |
| 47 - A Comparison of Fillet Weld Strength… |
| | Author: Willian Carl McCabe |
| | Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1978 |
|  | Comparison_of_Fillet_Weld_Strength.pdf |
| 48 - Exploring Various Aspects of Passive Solar Energy Collection |
| | Author: Ralph Munroe Lebens |
| | Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1978 |
|  | Exploring_Various_Aspects_of_Passive_Solar_Energy_Collection.pdf |
| 49 - Quicklite 1: A Daylighting Program for the TI-59 Calculator |
| | Author: Harvey Bryan, Robert Clear, James Rosen, Stephen Selkowiiz |
| | Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1981 |
|  | Quicklite_1_A_Daylighting_Program_for_the_TI-59_Calculator.pdf |
| 50 - Forestry Programs for Programmable Calculators |
| | Author: Kama R. Sterrett, John E. Gunter |
| | Michigan State University - Cooperative Extension Service 1982 |
|  | Forestry_Programs_for_Programmable_Calculators.pdf |
| 51 - Present Value Formulas for Calculating Maximum Bid Prices for Land |
| | Author: Ghanbar Kooti, Lindon J. Robinson |
| | Michigan State University - Department of Agricultural Economics 1982 |
|  | Present_Value_Formulas_for_Calculating.pdf |
| 52 - Instructional Aids for Teaching How to Use the TI-59 Programmable Calculator |
| | Author: Ralph E. Hepp |
| | Michigan State University - Department of Agricultural Economics 1983 |
|  | How_to_Use_TI-59.pdf |
| 53 - Microcomputers and programmable calculators for agricultural research in developing countries |
| | Author: Michael T. Weber, James Pease, Warren Vincent, Eric W. Crawford, and Thomas Stilwell |
| | Michigan State University - Department of Agricultural Economics 1983 |
|  | Agricultural_Research_In_Developing_Countries.pdf |
| 54 - Programmable Calculator (TI-59) Programs for Marketing and Price Analysis in Third World Countries |
| | Author: Michael L. Morris, Michael T.Weber |
| | Michigan State University - Department of Agricultural Economics 1983 |
|  | Marketing_and_Price_Analysis.pdf |
| 55 - Use of Programmable Calculators for Analysis of Statistical Data |
| | Author: Henrique Soares Koehler |
| | Michigan State University - Department of Forestry 1979 |
|  | Use_of_Programmable_Calculators_for_Analysis_of_Statistical_Data.pdf |
| 56 - "Teaching ""Computer Technology for Agriculture"" Using Programmable Calculators" |
| | Author: Reed D. Taylor, Michael W. Woolverton |
| | NACTA Journal 1980 |
|  | Teaching_Computer_Technology_for_Agriculture.pdf |
| 57 - A study of NASA occupational Injuries And Damage At Goddard Space Flight Center |
| | Author: Weiner Associates Inc. |
| | NASA Headquarters Office of Safety and Environmental Health 1976 |
|  | Injuries_And_Damage_At_Goddard_Space_Flight_Center.pdf |
| 58 - Survey and experimental Testing Of Nongra Vimetric Mass Measurement Devices |
| | Author: William E. Oakey, Richard Lorenz |
| | NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center 1977 |
|  | Testing_Of_Mass_Measurement_Devices.pdf |
| 59 - Sparger system for MMH-helium vents |
| | Author: A. Rakow |
| | NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center 1983 |
|  | Sparger_System_For_MMH_Helium_Vents.pdf |
| 60 - A procedure for estimating an object's position based on two or more bearings with a program for TI-59 calculator |
| | Author: R. Neagle Forrest |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1977 |
|  | Estimating_An_Object_s_Position.pdf |
| 61 - Investigation of card programmable and chip programmable calculators and calculator systems for use at naval postgraduate school and in the naval establishment |
| | Author: Harold Rudolph Kruse, Hugh Alan Burkett |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1977 |
|  | Calculator_Systems_For_Use_At_Naval_Postgraduate_School.pdf |
| 62 - Investigation of Card Programmable And Chip Programmable Pocket-Calculators And Calculator Systems |
| | Author: Harry Rudolph Kruse, Hugh Alan Burkett |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1977 |
|  | Investigation_of_Card_Programmable.pdf |
| 63 - The Development and Implemenation of Algorithms for an A-7E Performance Calculator |
| | Author: Gary Lang Koger |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1978 |
|  | Algorithms_for_an_A-7E_Performance_Calculator.pdf |
| 64 - A Study of Multi-Echelon and Multi-Location Inventory System |
| | Author: Turgut/Buyukkarhan |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1980 |
|  | A_Study_of_Multi-Echelon_and_Multi-Location.pdf |
| 65 - An adaptation of the minimuf HF propagation prediction program to the TI-59 calculator |
| | Author: Jay H. Benson, Stephen Jauregui Jr. |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1980 |
|  | Adaptation_Of_Minimuf_HF_Propagation.pdf |
| 66 - Microprocessor Generated Vertical Gyrohorizon Instrument for the Blue Bird Simulator |
| | Author: Marc A. Lucchesi |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1980 |
|  | Microprocessor_Generated_Vertical_Gyrohorizon_Instrument.pdf |
| 67 - Position determination with Loran-C triplets and the Texas Instruments TI-59 programmable calculator |
| | Author: R. H. Shudde |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1980 |
|  | Position_determination_with_Loran-C_triplets.pdf |
| 68 - Pre-Expended Bin Material Management at Naval Air Rework Facilities |
| | Author: J. E. Vogelsang |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1980 |
|  | Pre-Expended_Bin_Material_Management.pdf |
| 69 - Search Priorities for a Target Probability Area |
| | Author: Patricia Ann Tracey |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1980 |
|  | Search_Priorities_for_a_Target_Probability_Area.pdf |
| 70 - Statistics Programs for the TI-59 calculator |
| | Author: Richard William Storer |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1980 |
|  | Statistics_Programs.pdf |
| 71 - TI-59 programs for multiple regression |
| | Author: D.R. Barr |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1980 |
|  | Multiple_Regression.pdf |
| 72 - Use of the TI 59 with Applications to Probability and Statistical Analysis |
| | Author: George Russell Nelson, Edgar Emmett Stanton III |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1980 |
|  | Use_of_the_TI_59_with_Applications.pdf |
| 73 - Use the TI-59 applications to probability and statistical analysis |
| | Author: George Russell Nelson |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1980 |
|  | Probability_And_Statistical_Analysis.pdf |
| 74 - An introduction to a reliability shorthand |
| | Author: John J.Repicky Jr. |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1981 |
|  | Introduction_to_a_reliability_shorthand.pdf |
| 75 - Cerenkov Radiation Produced by 100 MeV Electrons |
| | Author: David Earl McLaughlin |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1981 |
|  | Cerenkov_Radiation_Produced.pdf |
| 76 - Estimating the Demand Uncertainty in Single-period Inventory Problems Using the Gompertz Curve and the Schmeiser-Deutsch Distribution |
| | Author: Pranom Srinopakoon |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1981 |
|  | Estimating_the_Demand_Uncertainty.pdf |
| 77 - Statistically Derived System Relationship Models for The Sassy Management Unit |
| | Author: John C. Cargill |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1981 |
|  | Statistically_Derived_System_Relationship_Models.pdf |
| 78 - The Effect of Scattering and Absorption on Noise from a Cavitating Noise Source in the Subsurface Ocean Layer |
| | Author: Yngvar Dag Tronstad |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1981 |
|  | The_Effect_of_Scattering_and_Absorption_on_Noise.pdf |
| 79 - The one-sample K-S test: TI-59 programs for discrete and continuous random variables |
| | Author: Douglas Warren Brown |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1981 |
|  | one-sample_K-S_test.pdf |
| 80 - Implementation of a reliability shorthand on the TI-59 handheld calculator |
| | Author: Hans-Eberhard Peters |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1982 |
|  | Implementation_of_a_reliability_shorthand.pdf |
| 81 - Programmable Hand-Held Calculators in the Operating Forces of the Marine Corps |
| | Author: James LeBaron Reeve |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1982 |
|  | Programmable_Hand_Held_Calculators.pdf |
| 82 - Design and implementation of a Basic Cross-Compiler and virtual memory management for the TI-59 programmable calculator |
| | Author: Mark R. Kindl, James H. W. Inskeep Jr. |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1983 |
|  | Basic_Cross_Compiler.pdf |
| 83 - Programs for a target position estimation procedure |
| | Author: R. N. Forrest |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1983 |
|  | Target_Position_Estimation.pdf |
| 84 - Infrared Background And Target Measurement |
| | Author: Alexander Manolopoulos |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1985 |
|  | Infrared_Background_And_Target_Measurement.pdf |
| 85 - Thermal Image Measurements of Infrared Signatures |
| | Author: George Dimitriadis |
| | Naval Postgraduate School Monterey California 1986 |
|  | Thermal_Image_Measurements_of_Infrared_Signatures.pdf |
| 86 - Using the TI-59 to Estimate Operating Costs for Bulk Milk Assembly |
| | Author: W. Lesser, W. Wasserman |
| | New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences 1982 |
|  | Estimate_Operating_Costs_for_Bulk_Milk_Assembly.pdf |
| 87 - Two-Way Anova Duncan s New Multiple Range Test |
| | Author: Eric M. Johnson and Kenneth A. Sorensen |
| | North Carolina State University - Department of Entomology 1982 |
|  | Two-Way_Anova_Duncan_s_New_Multiple_Range_Test.pdf |
| 88 - Two-Way Analysis Of Variance For LSD And Other Statistics |
| | Author: Charles W. Averre |
| | North Carolina State University - Department of Plant Pathology 1977 |
|  | Two-Way_Analysis_Of_Variance_For_LSD_And_Other_Statistics.pdf |
| 89 - Split Plot Analysis |
| | Author: Bruce A. Hadley |
| | North Carolina State University - Department of Plant Pathology 1978 |
|  | Split_Plot_Analysis.pdf |
| 90 - Pier Buoy Mooring Project and Maintenance to Existing Mooring Diego Garcia B.I.O.T.: Installation Plan |
| | Author: K. Cooper |
| | Ocean Engineering & Construction Project Office 1980 |
|  | Pier_Buoy_Mooring_Project_and_Maintenance.pdf |
| 91 - AFDB-7 Los Alamos Mooring Overhaul Holy Loch, Scotland Completion Report |
| | Author: Robert S.C. Munier, Virginia J. Botwinick |
| | Ocean Engineering & Construction Project Office 1984 |
|  | AFDB-7_Los_Alamos_Mooring_Overhaul_Holy_Loch.pdf |
| 92 - A Method For The Allocation of Exploratory Development Resources in Logistics |
| | Author: Henry A. Olender |
| | Office of Naval Research 1978 |
|  | Allocation_of_Exploratory_Development_Resources.pdf |
| 93 - Demonstration model system Volume I Mathematical Models |
| | Author: Thomas M. Neches, Robert A. Butler |
| | Office of Naval Research Department of the Navy 1979 |
|  | Slide_Rule_Model_System_I.pdf |
| 94 - Demonstration model system Volume IV Slide-rule model system program manual |
| | Author: Thomas M. Neches |
| | Office of Naval Research Department of the Navy 1979 |
|  | Slide_Rule_Model_System_IV.pdf |
| 95 - Demonstration model system Volume V Slide-rule model system user's guide |
| | Author: Thomas M. Neches |
| | Office of Naval Research Department of the Navy 1979 |
|  | Slide_Rule_Model_System_V.pdf |
| 96 - The Case for Teaching Fundamental Computer Technology by Subjects Matter professionals |
| | Author: Reed D. Taylor, Michael W. Woolverton |
| | Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center 1980 |
|  | The_Case_for_Teaching_Fundamental_Computer_Technology.pdf |
| 97 - Synthetic methodology for the calculation and preliminary specification of micro hydro power stations |
| | Author: Organizacion Latinoamericana de Energia |
| | Organizacion Latinoamericana de Energia 1981 |
|  | Calculation_Of_Micro_Hydro_Power_Stations.pdf |
| 98 - TI-59 Calculator Program for Haugh Unit Calculation |
| | Author: W. B. Roush |
| | Pennsylvania State University - Department of Poultry Science 1980 |
|  | TI-59_Calculator_Program_For_Haugh_Unit_Calculation.pdf |
| 99 - Using the Matrix Algebra Capabilities of the TI59 Calculator for Teaching Ration Formulation |
| | Author: W. B. Roush |
| | Pennsylvania State University - Department of Poultry Science 1982 |
|  | TI59_Calculator_for_Teaching_Ration.pdf |
| 100 - A Braille interface for the Texas Instruments SR-52 programmable calculator |
| | Author: C. P. Janeto |
| | Pennsylvania State University - Institute for Science and Engineering 1976 |
|  | a_braille_interface.pdf |
| 101 - Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of Multi-Degrees of Freedom Systems on a Programmable Calculator |
| | Author: D. B. Wolfe |
| | RCA Government Communications Systems 1978 |
|  | Natural_Frequencies_and_Mode_Shapes_of_Multi-Degrees_of_Freedom_Systems.pdf |
| 102 - Simulation of runoff from an air force base using a programmable calculator |
| | Author: James W. Luginbyhl |
| | School of Systems and Logistics Air Force Institute of Technology 1981 |
|  | Simulation_Of_Runoff_From_An_Air_Force.pdf |
| 103 - Direct Problem GeoDetic Computation using a Programmable Pocket Calculator |
| | Author: D. W. Murphy |
| | Survey Review 1981 |
|  | Direct_Problem_GeoDetic_Computation.pdf |
| 104 - Application of the programmable calculator to extension agricultural management programs |
| | Author: James M. McGrann, William M. Edwards |
| | Texas A and M University,Iowa State University 1979 |
|  | Application_To_Extension_Agricultural_Management_Programs.pdf |
| 105 - Pharmacologic Variables During Circulatory Support |
| | Author: Daniel A. Holub, John M.Fuqua, Stephen R. Igo ... |
| | Texas Heart Institute 1978 |
|  | Pharmacologic_Variables_During_Circulatory_Support.pdf |
| 106 - Use of a programmable calculator in Cardiopulmonary Perfusion |
| | Author: J. David Mills, Jerome H. Tallent |
| | Texas Heart Institute 1978 |
|  | Cardiopulmonary_Perfusion.pdf |
| 107 - Analytical and expeimental assessment of Highway Impact On Air Quality |
| | Author: J. A. Bullin, J. C. Polasek |
| | Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation 1978 |
|  | Highway_Impact_On_Air_Quality.pdf |
| 108 - Some Queuing Network Models Of Computer Systems |
| | Author: E.S. Herndon |
| | The Mitre Corp. Houston Texas 1980 |
|  | Some_Queuing_Network_Models_Of_Computer_Systems.pdf |
| 109 - Laser Metalworking Technology Transfer Final Report |
| | Author: Ole A. Sandven |
| | The Naval Research Laboratory 1986 |
|  | Laser_Metalworking_Technology_Transfer.pdf |
| 110 - The T.I. Programmable 59 |
| | Author: Tudor Jones |
| | The Ontario Land Surveyor 1979 |
|  | The_TI_Programmable_59.pdf |
| 111 - High Contrast CRT Faceplate |
| | Author: T. G. Maple, I. D. Liu |
| | U. S. Army Electronics Research and Development Command 1980 |
|  | High_Contrast_CRT_Faceplate.pdf |
| 112 - Sources and Nature of Cost Analysis Data Base Reference Manual |
| | Author: Greg Spolarich |
| | U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command 1986 |
|  | Sources_and_Nature_of_Cost_Analysis.pdf |
| 113 - Nouvelle utilisation de la methode du nombre le plus probable en virologie : application a la mise en evidence et a la quantification des virus dans le milieu hydrique. Sante |
| | Author: Bernard Hugues |
| | Université de Metz 1981 |
|  | Nombre_Le_Plus_Probable_En_Virologie.pdf |
| 114 - A Pharmacokinetic program for TI-59 |
| | Author: Folmer Nielsen-Kudsk |
| | University of Aarhus - Institute of Pharmacology 1979 |
|  | Pharmacokinetic_Program.pdf |
| 115 - Pharmacokinetic Analysis & Calculations using a program for the minicalculator TI-59 |
| | Author: Folmer Nielsen-Kudsk |
| | University of Aarhus - Institute of Pharmacology 1980 |
|  | Pharmacokinetic_Analysis_&_Calculations.pdf |
| 116 - Analysis of the Light Curves of Eclipsing Variable Stars |
| | Author: David E. Holmgren |
| | University of Alberta 1984 |
|  | Analysis_of_the_Light_Curves_of_Eclipsing_Variable_Stars.pdf |
| 117 - Earth Dam Seepage Analysis with a programmable calculator |
| | Author: William Ray Hutchison |
| | University of Arizona - Department of Hydrology and water resources 1983 |
|  | Earth_Dam_Seepage_Analysis.pdf |
| 118 - Computational Algorithms For Predicting The Mechanical Properties of Sheet Molding Materials |
| | Author: G. Jarzebski, S. McGee, P. Mroz |
| | University of Delaware college of Engineering 1979 |
|  | Computational_Algorithms_For_Predicting.pdf |
| 119 - Rederived Values of the Eight Coefficients of the Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) |
| | Author: William R. Best, Jack M. Becktel, and John W. Singleton |
| | University of Illinois, University of Colorado, University of Iowa 1979 |
|  | Rederived_Values_Of_The_Eight_Coefficients_Of_CDAI.pdf |
| 120 - Life Contengencies Algorithms for the programmable calculator |
| | Author: William Roach |
| | University of Kansas 1978 |
|  | Life_Contengencies_Algorithms.pdf |
| 121 - Wastewater pretreatment and complete treatment cost model for selected industries |
| | Author: Kung-Cheh George Li |
| | University of Oklahoma 1979 |
|  | Wastewater_pretreatment_and_complete_treatment_cost_model.pdf |
| 122 - Wind Dispersion a program for the Texas Instruments 59 calculator |
| | Author: Ernest D. King |
| | University of Oklahoma - College of Health 1982 |
|  | Wind_Dispersion.pdf |
| 123 - A programmable calculator applications notebook for practicing planners |
| | Author: Robert M. Ericson |
| | University of Rhode Island 1982 |
|  | Applications_Notebook_For_Practicing_Planners.pdf |
| 124 - Proceedings of The 1977 Army Numerical And Computers Analysis Conference |
| | Author: US Army ARO |
| | University of Wisconsin Mathematics Research Center 1977 |
|  | 1977_Army_Numerical_Conference.pdf |
| 125 - Requirements, Technology and Configuration Evaluation for Crash Survivable Flight Data Recording (CSFDR) System |
| | Author: Howard Branch, Barry Casey, Robert Harvey, William Plouff, John Reeves, Steve Wichmann |
| | US Air Force Aeronautical Systems Division 1981 |
|  | Technology_and_Configuration_Evaluation_for_CSFDR_System.pdf |
| 126 - Inference of Probability of Kill of Air-To-Air Missiles in Various Attack Modes |
| | Author: Carl J. Vogel |
| | US Air Force Institute of Technology 1979 |
|  | Probability_of_Kill_of_Air-To-Air_Missiles.pdf |
| 127 - X-ray fluence and transmission and prompt radiation fluence or dose |
| | Author: Donald E. Jones |
| | US Air Force Institute of Technology 1981 |
|  | X-Ray_Fluence.pdf |
| 128 - The utility of handheld programmable calculators in aircraft life cycle cost estimation |
| | Author: Captain Dennis P. Brooks |
| | US Air Force Institute of Technology 1982 |
|  | Aircraft_Life_Cycle_Cost_Estimation.pdf |
| 129 - Development of a Library Module for The Analysis of Advanced Composite Materials |
| | Author: Karyn T. Knoll |
| | US Air Force Materials Laboratory 1979 |
|  | Library_Module_for_The_Analysis_of_Composite_Materials.pdf |
| 130 - Lubricant Compact Wear Rate Techniques |
| | Author: K. R. Mecklenburg |
| | US Air Force Materials Laboratory 1981 |
|  | Lubricant_Compact_Wear_Rate_Techniques.pdf |
| 131 - Moisture-Resistant Adhesives |
| | Author: Richard L. Elliott, Howard W. Christie |
| | US Air Force Materials Laboratory 1982 |
|  | Moisture-Resistant_Adhesives.pdf |
| 132 - SR-52 magnetic card calculator solutions to composite materials workbook |
| | Author: Stephen W. Tsai, H. Thomas Hahn, Frank Huber |
| | US Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories 1979 |
|  | Composite_Materials_Workbook.pdf |
| 133 - TI-59 magnetic card calculator solutions to composite materials formulas |
| | Author: Stephen W. Tsai, Rodolfo Aoki |
| | US Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories 1981 |
|  | Composite_Materials_Formulas.pdf |
| 134 - Instructions for TI-59 combined card/module calculations for in-plane properties of symmetric hybrid laminates |
| | Author: Stella D. Gates |
| | US Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories 1982 |
|  | In-plane_And_Flexural_Properties_Of_Symmetric_Laminates.pdf |
| 135 - Revised instructions for TI-59 combined card/module calculations for in-plane and flexural properties of symmetric laminates |
| | Author: Steven L. Donaldson |
| | US Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories 1982 |
|  | In-plane_And_Flexural_Properties_Of_Symmetric_Laminates_Revised.pdf |
| 136 - A Simplified Methodology For Computing Chemical Hazard Distances |
| | Author: C. Glenvil Whitacre |
| | US Army ARRADCOM 1978 |
|  | Methodology_For_Computing_Chemical_Hazard_Distances.pdf |
| 137 - A Predictive Scheme for the Blast Environment of Army Weapons Part I. Development and Validation of the Theory |
| | Author: Bruce Henriksen, Benjamin Cummings |
| | US Army Ballistic Research Laboratory 1978 |
|  | A_Predictive_Scheme_for_the_Blast_Environment.pdf |
| 138 - Simplified Analysis of Complex Conductivity Data |
| | Author: Mark Salomon |
| | US Army ERADCOM 1981 |
|  | Simplified_Analysis_of_Complex_Conductivity_Data.pdf |
| 139 - Artificial Red Cells With Polyhemoglobin Membranes |
| | Author: Thomas A. Davis, William J. Asher, George T. Quinlan |
| | US Army Medical Research and Development Command 1981 |
|  | Artificial_Red_Cells.pdf |
| 140 - Artillery Engagement Simulation |
| | Author: Francis King, Earl S. Stein, Exequiel R. Sevilla Jr., Richard J. Seed III |
| | US Army Research Institute for The Behavioral And Social Sciences 1980 |
|  | Artillery_Engagement_Simulation.pdf |
| 141 - The handheld programmable calculator: an interim solution do direction finding calculations in the field |
| | Author: Lieutenent Colonel William E. Harmon |
| | US Army War College 1979 |
|  | Direction_Finding_Calculations_In_The_Field.pdf |
| 142 - A data reduction package for US Army topographic computers: hand-held programmable calculators |
| | Author: Walter Blackmer |
| | US Army War College 1982 |
|  | Data_Reduction_Package_For_US_Army.pdf |
| 143 - Chemical profile of the East Mesa Geothermal Field |
| | Author: Robert T. Littleton, Earl E. Burnett |
| | US Bureau of Reclamation - Lower Colorado Region 1977 |
|  | East_Mesa_Geothermal_Field.pdf |
| 144 - Application of predictive model to Forecast Douglas-Fir Tussock Moth Defoliation |
| | Author: Wayne E. Bousfield, R. Ladd Livingston |
| | US Department of Agriculture - Forest Pest Management 1986 |
|  | Forecast_Douglas-Fir_Tussock_Moth_Defoliation.pdf |
| 145 - Fire danger / fire behavior computations with the Texas Instruments TI-59 calculator: User's manual |
| | Author: Robert E. Burgan |
| | US Department of Agriculture - Forest Service 1979 |
|  | Fire_Danger_Fire_Behavior_Computations.pdf |
| 146 - Method analyzes analogue plots of Paperboard In stress-strain data |
| | Author: Thomas J. Urbanik |
| | US Department of Agriculture - Forest Service 1982 |
|  | Paperboard_In_Edgewise_Compression.pdf |
| 147 - BEHAVE: Fire Behavior Prediction and Fuel Modeling System |
| | Author: Robert E. Burgan, Richard C. Rothermel |
| | US Department of Agriculture - Forest Service 1984 |
|  | Fire_Behavior_Prediction_and_Fuel_Modeling_System.pdf |
| 148 - Methods for Predicting Fire Behavior |
| | Author: Patricia L. Andrews |
| | US Department of Agriculture - Forest Service 1986 |
|  | Methods_for_Predicting_Fire_Behavior.pdf |
| 149 - Indirect / Area Fire Weapons Effect Simulator Study : Preliminary Systems Engineering Design |
| | Author: Robert E. Odom |
| | US Department of Defense 1976 |
|  | Indirect_Area_Fire_Weapons_Effect.pdf |
| 150 - Deterministic Insolation Model |
| | Author: E.P. French |
| | US Department of Energy 1979 |
|  | Deterministic_Insolation_Model.pdf |
| 151 - Wind Flow Characteristics in the Wakes of Large Wind Turbines |
| | Author: W. R. Eberle |
| | US Department of Energy 1981 |
|  | Wind_Flow_Characteristics.pdf |
| 152 - Computer Simulation Applied To The Separation Of Porous Leach Residue Solids From Liquor |
| | Author: Daniel T. Rogers and Roy T. Sorensen Jr. |
| | US Department of the interior - Bureau of mines 1982 |
|  | Computer_Simulation_Applied_To_The_Separation_Of_Porous_Leach.pdf |
| 153 - A Dynamic Gas-Mixing System |
| | Author: C. R. Carpenter, J. E. Chilton, G. H. Schnakenberg Jr. |
| | US Department of the interior - Bureau of mines 1983 |
|  | Dynamic_Gas_Mixing_System.pdf |
| 154 - Theoretical MT PlaneWave Soundings |
| | Author: David L. Campbell |
| | US Department of the interior - Geological Survey 1979 |
|  | Theoretical_MT_PlaneWave_Soundings.pdf |
| 155 - A TI-59 Calculator Program for Computation of Schlumberger Resistivity Sounding Curve for Models with as many as 25 Horizontal Layers |
| | Author: Ahmed Samir M. El Kahwagy |
| | US Department of the interior - Geological Survey 1980 |
|  | Computation_Of_Schlumberger_Resistivity_Sounding_Curve.pdf |
| 156 - Compilation of revised ages of volcanic units in the San Juan Mountains |
| | Author: Ken Hon, Harald H. Mehnert |
| | US Department of the interior - Geological Survey 1983 |
|  | Geological_Survey.pdf |
| 157 - Computation of southern pine site index using a TI-59 calculator |
| | Author: Richard W. Guldin and Robert M. Farrar, Jr. |
| | US Department of the interior - Geological Survey 1983 |
|  | Computation_of_Southern_Pine_Site_Index.pdf |
| 158 - Improvement of Overload Capability of Air Carrier Aircraft Tires |
| | Author: Paul C. Durup |
| | US Department of Transportation 1978 |
|  | Improvement_of_Overload_Capability.pdf |
| 159 - Cascade impactor data reduction with SR-52 and TI-59 programmable calculators |
| | Author: Leslie E. Sparks |
| | US Environmental Protection Agency 1978 |
|  | Cascade_Impactor_Data_Reduction.pdf |
| 160 - SR-52 programmable calculator programs for venturi scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators |
| | Author: Leslie E. Sparks |
| | US Environmental Protection Agency 1978 |
|  | SR-52_Programs_For_Venturi_Scrubbers.pdf |
| 161 - TI-59 programmable calculator programs for in-stack opacity, venturi scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators |
| | Author: S. J. Cowen,D. S. Ensor, L. E. Sparks |
| | US Environmental Protection Agency 1980 |
|  | TI-59_Programs_For_Venturi_Scrubbers.pdf |
| 162 - A mathematical model of electrostatic precipitation for Texas Instruments programmable 59 calculator |
| | Author: M. G. Faulkner, J. R. McDonald |
| | US Environmental Protection Agency 1984 |
|  | Mathematical_Model_Of_Electrostatic_Precipitation.pdf |
| 163 - A method for Transforming Temperature Distributions To Normality |
| | Author: Morris S. Webb Jr. |
| | Weather Service Forecast Office - San Francisco 1977 |
|  | Transforming_Temperature_Distributions_To_Normality.pdf |
| 164 - In defense of Linear Quadrature Rules |
| | Author: William Squire |
| | West Virginia University - Department of Aerospace Engineering 1981 |
|  | Linear_Quadrature_Rules.pdf |
| 165 - Ray calculations of ocean sound channels using a pocket programmable calculator and extended forms of the Hirsch-Carter mathematical model with tables of the incomplete beta function |
| | Author: Lincoln Baxter II |
| | Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1978 |
|  | Ray_Calculation_Of_Ocean_Sound_Channels.pdf |
| 166 - Evaluation of in vitro fro Drug Sensitivity In Plasmodium Falciparum |
| | Author: B. Grab, W. H. Wernsdorfer |
| | World Health Organization 1983 |
|  | Drug_Sensitivity_In_Plasmodium_Falciparum_EN.pdf |
| 167 - Evaluation des épreuves in vitro de pharmacosensibilité de Plasmodium Falciparum |
| | Author: B. Grab, W. H. Wernsdorfer |
| | World Health Organization 1983 |
|  | Drug_Sensitivity_In_Plasmodium_Falciparum_FR.pdf |
| 168 - Insertion Loss Equations |
| | Author: Hornsby |
| | 1977 |
|  | Insertion_Loss_Equations.pdf |
| 169 - Estimating machinery repair allowance: Programmed for the Texas Instrument 59 |
| | Author: Larry K. Bond |
| | 1979 |
|  | Estimating_Machinery_Repair_Allowance.pdf |
| 170 - LOGCALC: A Calculator Program Series to Calculate Log Volume, Lumber Recovery, and Log Scale For a TI-59 Calculator with Printer |
| | Author: Philip Steele, Catherine Kubitschek, Daniel Porter, Richard Selin |
| | 1981 |
|  | LOGCALC_A_Calculator_Program_Series.pdf |
| 171 - Supplement to: A calculator-assisted method of random sampling |
| | Author: Daniel J. Schoen and David Fruchter |
| | 1983 |
|  | Method_Of_Random_Sampling.pdf |
| 172 - Rotating Polyhedra with Congruent Plane Pentagonal Faces |
| | Author: Jean-Francois Rotgé |
| | 1984 |
|  | Polyedres_Rotatifs_A_Faces_Planes.pdf |
| 173 - Polyedres rotatifs a faces planes, congruentes et pentagonales |
| | Author: Jean-Francois Rotgé |
| | 1984 |
|  | Polyedres_Rotatifs_A_Faces_Planes.pdf |
| 174 - A Very In-Depth Analysis Of The special Aspects of the TI-59 programmable |
| | Author: A. Hooyer |
| | |
|  | TI-59_VeryInDepthAnalysisOfTheAspects_of_HIR.pdf |
| 175 - ça alors… suite |
| | Author: ? |
| | |
|  | Ca_alors_suite.pdf |