The modules |
Novelty from the TI58/TI58C/TI59 calculators, the modules "Solid State Software" had up to 5000 program steps.
On the back of the calculator, at the bottom, a small housing allowed to insert a module.
The module #1, named "Master Library", had 25 different programs and was offered with the calculator.
Twelve other modules, from 2 to 13, were also available (as "standard" modules).
Specific modules for companies (Allianz, Lloyd, EDF, Chrysler, Kodak ...) and the US government were also be created.
M01 - ML Master Library |
- Master library diagnostic
- Determinant, matrix. & simul eq.
- Matrix addition and multiplication
- Complex arithmetic
- Complex functions
- Complex trig functions
- Polynomial evaluation
- Zeros of functions
- Simpson's approximation (continuous)
- Simpson's approximation (discrets)
- Triangle solution (1)
- Triangle solution (2)
- Curve solution
- Normal distribution
- Random number generator
- Combinations, permutations, factorials
- Moving averages
- Compound interest
- Annuities
- Day of the week, days between dates
- Hi-lo game
- Checking/savings account management
- Dms operations
- Unit conversions (l)
- Unit conversions (2)
Manual M01 - ML Master Library
from http://www.rskey.org/tidocs.htm (Scan of John Cadick)
Quick Reference Guide M01 - ML Master Library
from http://www.rskey.org/tidocs.htm (Scan of Andre Steenveld) |
M03 - RE Real Estate |
- Annuities
- Remaining balance/accumulated interest
- Compound interest
- Straight line depreciation
- Declining balance depreciation
- Som of the years digits depreciation
- Composite depreciation
- Excess depreciation
- Curve fit (regression analysis)
- Optimal regression
- Internal rate of relurn
- Cash flow anatysis
- Yearly amortization schedule
- Investment feasibiliky.
- Residential purchase analysis
Manual M03 - RE Real Estate
Quick Reference Guide M03 - RE Real Estate
from http://www.rskey.org/tidocs.htm (Scan of Andre Steenveld) |
M06 - AV Aviation |
- Flight plan
- Atmosphere, speed, temperature, and altitude
- Predicting freezing level, lowest usable flight level
- Wind components and average vector
- The wind triangle
- Dead reckoning
- Rhumbline navigation
- Great circle flying
- Line of sight distance and altitude, DME speed correction
- Position and navigation by one VOR
- DME area navigation
- VOR area navigation
- Course correction
- Rate of climb, turn performance
- General weight and balance
- Customised weight and balance
- Pilot unit conversions
- RNAV flight plan
- Customised unit conversions
- Time zone conversion.
Manual M06 - AV Aviation
from http://www.rskey.org/tidocs.htm (Scan of Andre Steenveld)
Quick Reference Guide M06 - AV Aviation
from http://www.rskey.org/tidocs.htm (Scan of Andre Steenveld) |
M12 - FM Agriculture |
- Metric conversion
- Batch mix
- Beef cow ration analyser
- Feedlot ration analyser
- MP and UFP determination
- Dairy ration balancer
- Swine and poultry ration formulation
- Swine and poultry ration analysis
- Relative value of swine feed Ingredients
- Gestation management
- Beef weaning and yearling weight adjustment
- Cow-calf, ewe or feeder pig production work sheet
- Cattle, pig or lamb feeding work sheet
- Land purchase and farm loan analysis
Quick Reference Guide M12 - FM Agriculture
All above informations are issued from Texas Instruments bulletins 1105618 and 1103793
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