Thanks |
Bad Padawan, I built my 'thank you' list with the same lack of methods and organization than those I practised to design and to program TI58C...
So, in the order most incongruous, I thank |
Guillaume Tello |
Who has awakened in me old demons... http://gtello.pagesperso-orange.fr/ |
Enrico Vidale |
For the Italian translation of the web site and the software ! |
Namir Shammas |
for his laudatory comments on the forum of hpmuseum which make me want to progress still...
and a special
"Thank you Namir"
for his dedication during conferences
Jan Dobransky |
Which reminded me that the biggest errors are reproducible ... |
Franz Huber |
For all tests (Windows 98!), and many bugs revealed ... |
Toyoo Kanai |
Thanks for the bugs... |
Lawrence D'Oliveiro |
Without him, I will have never known that an android could be more pleasant than Windows or Gates... http://www.geek-central.gen.nz/ |
Andrea Rossi |
For the unconditional support and constructive comments |
Sven Mitscherlich |
For the German translation of the software ! |
Claudio Larini |
For his patience to use, test a program that others will have thrown... http://www.claudiolarini.altervista.org/ |
Angelo Molizane |
For the brazilian translation of the software ! |
Henk Karsmakers |
For the numerous ingenious bugs (EE, Eng)... |
Dave Ramey
Robert Prins
Alerted by Guillaume Tello, they have looked at the baby's cradle...
(PS: I still have not found the resolution of the graphic problem reported by Dave)
also those who, many, supported and encouraged me to persevere despite my stupidity
Alvaro S., Angelo M., Benoit M., Bert H., Charles G., David S., Dominique B.,
Enrico M., Franz G., Greg M.C., Ioannis P., Joerg W., John M., Jos S., Marcus V.C.,
Michel B., Miroslav P., Peter J., Philippe F., Pierluigi P., Rob A., Rodolphe C.,
Simone N., Tomislav R., Viktor T. , Werner G., Yves LT., Zdenek N. ...
and all those, anonymous, who have visited my website, have downloaded my program and have underwent the initial bugs.
(and sorry for my rotten English)
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