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Factorial test
The programs were written according to the possibilities of each calculator without worrying about saving program steps to the detriment of ergonomics.
For calculators with no usable branching instructions other than RST, the programs are necessarily more rudimentary because of the constraints imposed.
Even for calculators with a "factorial" function, programs have been written to be able to compare these calculators with others.

On each calculator, you must enter the number then start the program with RST followed by R/S. Except for calculators which can use program launch keys. (TI-58C, TI-59, TI-66, TI-95, TI-65)
(For calculators whose program stops with Error, you must type RCL 0 to display the result)

The programs
Goto... (103)


TI-9518 (*)1.2
TI-57 LCD1817.61
TI-57 II1819.43
the MBA1515.16
TI-55 II15???
TI-55 III15???
TI-53 slimline2411.65
TI-53 slanted2415.49
TI-6711 (*)5.6
TI-82 Stats.fr12 (*)0.5
TI-83 Plus.fr12 (*)0.5
TI-9214 (*)0.5

The tests were carried out with the number 13 allowing the display of 6227020800 or 6.2270208 09 depending on the calculators.
A larger number would also have required greater patience...
  • Steps :
  • for calculators mentioned by (*) the numbers express the number of instructions.
  • Time :
  • times are expressed in seconds.
    For calculators TI-55 II, TI-55 III, TI-56, it is not possible to time the execution time since the instruction RST stops the execution of the program at each return to the step 00.
    It is therefore necessary to intervene manually by pressing R/S at each iteration to continue the execution.

    For some calculators (TI-58C, TI-59, TI-65, ...), the programs would have been simpler and faster thanks to the DSZ instruction.
    For the sake of fairness, the time comparisons were made on iterative loops of the same type (without DSZ).
    For example, for the TI-65 the time from 22.34 seconds drops to 9.85 seconds with a DSZ loop !


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