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To evaluate and compare the different programmable calculators, I wrote small test programs applied to each of them.

"Forensics" test
The "forensics" algorithm was invented by Mike Sebastian to quickly provide a comparison of the accuracy of scientific calculators.
It is a matter of applying the following calculation and observing the result obtained:

(See "Calculator Forensics" by Mike Sebastian)

But... the precision of the calculation (number of decimal places after the decimal point) will influence the final result...

 :"Forensics" programs :
Factorial test
Even for calculators with a "factorial" function, programs have been written to be able to compare these calculators with others.

 "Factorial" programs :
Stirling's formula
The formula of Stirling allows to approximate the factorial of a number.

 "Stirling" programs :
"Fibonacci" test
Finding the Fibonacci number of rank n.

 "Fibonacci" programs :
Binet's formula
The formula of Binet provides the n-th term of the Fibonacci sequence.

 "Binet" programs :
The circle
Which program could apply to all programmable calculators ?

 "Circle" programs :
Greatest Common Divisor
One of the classic small programs of calculator programming...

 "GCD" programs :
Birthday paradox
The Birthday Paradox calculates the percentage chance of finding 2 people with the same birthday (not necessarily born in the same year) in a group of n people.

 "Birthday" programs :
Ramanujan's formula
The Ramanujan formula allows to calculate the factorial of a number.

 "Ramanujan" programs :

Some programmers, accustomed to programmable calculators for which I have written programs, may be surprised by my programming style.

For all the calculators in my collection, apart from the ones I knew perfectly like the TI58C, I took it as a constraint not to use any documentation for getting started with the machine and programming it.

It was very easy for some machines but rather laborious for others, but I got through it without violating the rule I had set myself.

Paradox when I want to have for each machine its documentation as complete as possible... but I do not prohibit myself, when the calculator is "mastered", to read the manuals or different books as others would read novels.


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