Arithmetic Tutor
Solve 10 arithmetic operations.
(Program from PPX EXChange V.2 N°4 July 1978)
Santa Claus and his reindeer
| Do you know the Santa's reindeer names ?
(Program derived from the PPX-59 Reference 918291)
Happy Numbers
| Given a number n=n(0), define a sequence n(1), n(2), ... where n(i+1) is the sum of the squares of the digits of n(i). Then n is happy if and only if there exists i such that n(i)=1.
(Program derived from the PPX-59 Reference 398197)
Majic Squares
| (Program derived from the PPX-59 Reference 398092)
Roman numeral math
| (Program derived from the PPX-59 Reference 368027)
| (Program derived from the PPX-59 Reference 928064)
Prime factors
| (Program derived from the PPX-59 Reference 398225G)
Roman numerals
| (Program derived from the PPX-59 Reference 368005)