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TI58C Emulator
It seems that some people qualify my TI-58C program as a simulator on the pretext that an emulator is a program which takes the kernel (ROM) of a machine "to run" it, in computer science, in France, it is common to say "to process" it.

To be precise with French terms:
  • the verb "to simulate" designates the action of imitating, pretending. (The flight simulator represents well the action of imitating and feigning. Some women have the art of pretending or feigning : in short simulating.)
  • the verb "to emulate" refers to the action of trying to match or surpass... which my TI-58C program does!

    When the execution of a ROM from a calculator, it would surely be more judicious to speak of "executor", or even of "processor" or ROM "engine".

    In any case, I don't believe that my program imitates, pretends or feigns ...

    You can download here the last version of my emulator :

  • ( Installer for 32-bit systems)
    English Release ti58cEN.zip ti58cEN.rar ti58cEN.7z (2023.04.19)
    Version française ti58cFR.zip ti58cFR.rar ti58cFR.7z (2023.04.19)
    Versione italiana ti58cIT.zip ti58cIT.rar ti58cIT.7z (2023.04.19)
    Deutsch Version ti58cDE.zip ti58cDE.rar ti58cDE.7z (2023.04.19)
    Ceská verze ti58cCZ.zip ti58cCZ.rar ti58cCZ.7z (2023.04.19)
    Versão brasileira ti58cBR.zip ti58cBR.rar ti58cBR.7z (2023.04.19)

      Multilingual version : ti58cINTER.exe      (2023.04.19)
          (Installation in Français English Brasileira  Italiano Ceština Deutsch  Español Nihon no )
    ( Installer for 32-bit and 64-bit systems)

    Update only :
    ti58cupd.zip ti58cupd.rar ti58cupd.7z
    (Update to unzip in the original directory)

    Download now !  Update list : UpdateList    UpdateList PDF     UpdateList DJVU  (french / english)


      Languages files for TI58C :
    Program : TI58C Emulator  (2021.03.13) 
    English Français Italiano Deutsch Ceština Español Brasileira
    Multi-language version !
    Other languages...clic here!

    tieditor.zip tieditor.exe   Toolbox  (2023.04.19)
    ticodes.zip ticodes.exe   Toolbox  (2019.10.08)
    tigentxt.zip tigentxt.exe   Toolbox  (2019.10.10)
    tigenhlp.zip tigenhlp.exe   Toolbox  (2023.04.19)
    tiskinmixer.zip tiskinmixer.exe   Toolbox  (2019.10.14)

  • You can also download the manual :

  • ti58cEN.pdf ti58cEN.djvu   English manual   (2023.04.19)
    ti58cFR.pdf ti58cFR.djvu   Manuel en français   (2023.04.19)

    TIConfigEN.pdf   TI58C Configuration   (2019.12.16)
    TIConfigFR.pdf   Configuration TI58C   (2019.12.16)

    Reminder.pdf   leaflet "Reminder"   (2023.04.19)
    Aide_memoire.pdf   plaquette "Aide-mémoire"   (2023.04.19)

  • manuals of utility programs :

  • TIeditorEN.pdf TIeditorEN.djvu   English manual   (2019.10.12)
    TIeditorFR.pdf TIeditorFR.djvu   Manuel français   (2019.10.12)

    TIGenTxtEN.pdf TIGenTxtEN.djvu   English manual   (2019.10.10)
    TIGenTxtFR.pdf TIGenTxtFR.djvu   Manuel français   (2019.10.10)

    TIGenHlpEN.pdf TIGenHlpEN.djvu   English manual   (2020.05.07)
    TIGenHlpFR.pdf TIGenHlpFR.djvu   Manuel français   (2020.05.07)

    TICodesEN.pdf TICodesEN.djvu   English manual   (1970.01.01)
    TICodesFR.pdf TICodesFR.djvu   Manuel français   (1970.01.01)

    TISkinMixEN.pdf TISkinMixEN.djvu   English manual   (2019.10.14)
    TISkinMixFR.pdf TISkinMixFR.djvu   Manuel français   (2019.10.14)

  • original TI manuals :
  •   Personal_Programming.pdf

      see the other original manuals

  • and my book :
  • LRNen.pdf LRNen.djvu   LRN Programming my TI read online
    LRNfr.pdf LRNfr.djvu   LRN Programmer en LMS read online
    LRNit.pdf LRNit.djvu   LRN Programmare in SOA TI [Claudio Larini] read online

    The book LRN Programmer en LMS
    The language TI...

  • You can download programs for use with the emulator TI58C.

    See the list of programs...  (145)

    ...or recently modified GCD 2023 (calculation program2023.05.08

  • Libraries
  • The TI58C emulator uses "Solid State Software™" library programs.

    The emulator installation includes the file PGM.zip (2020/10/24) which contains the following libraries :

  • M01 - ML Master Library (2020/10/24)
  • M02 - ST Applied Statistics (2019/09/16)
  • M04 - SY Surveying (2019/09/16)
  • M05 - NG Navigation (2019/09/27)
  • M06 - AV Aviation (2019/09/16)
  • M07 - LE Leisure (2019/09/16)
  • M10 - MU Math Utilities (2019/09/16)
  • M11 - EE Electrical Engineering (2019/09/16)

  • see the modules page...

  • Skins
    Now, you can dress your TI58C...

    (See Screenshots / TI58C Skins)
    See 'skins' to download... (604)
    ...or recently modified Skin : TInspire  (2022.05.12)

    contact sheet PDF see the contact sheet...

    [Skin zippo]

    Change all the decoration of the program TI58C...

    calculator skin + colors + wallpaper
    + printer skin + sounds + buttons = theme

    (See Screenshots / TI58C Themes)
    See themes to download... (123)
    ...or recently modified Theme : Couture  (2020.02.12)

    contact sheet PDF see the contact sheet...

      Auto-loadable themes (23)

    [Theme zippo]

    Printers PC100
    Change the printer PC100...
    See printers to download... (115)
    ...or recently modified printer : Couture4  (2020.02.12)

    contact sheet PDF see the contact sheet...

    [printer Winter]

    Wallpapers for TI58C themes...
    See wallpapers to download... (263)
    ...or recently modified wallpaper : Gouache  (2020.02.04)

    contact sheet PDF see the contact sheet...

    [wallpaper Watchth]

    Sounds for TI58C
    Sounds for TI58C (click, printer,...)
    Listen to the sounds... (135)

    Buttons for TI58C
    Buttons for TI58C (logo, printer,...)
    See the buttons... (585)

    Change the font of the TI58C display...
    See fonts to download... (80)
    ...or recently modified font : Bottle  (2020.12.06)

    contact sheet PDF see the contact sheet...

    [font droid]

    TI58C was tested on different platforms :

    Windows (98se, XP, Vista, Seven, Windows8, Windows10)
    Linux : Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, Debian, Open Suse, Puppy Linux, Slitaz,
    ToOpPy Linux, Mageia... (with Wine)
    (See page 'Screenshots/and Linux...')

    Wine is very easy to install.
    It is not an emulator and therefore has very good response time.
    After installing Wine, just download Ti58, unzip it and run the install (setup.exe) like for Windows.


    (Wine Is Not an Emulator)

    "He who is not progressing every day, every day back." (Confucius)
    "No! Do or Do not. There is no try!" (Master Yoda)
    "Perfection is like the horizon, we approach at each step,
    and the way to go is still as long...
    " (Pierre Houbert)


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      Last update on 03 July 2024

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